Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mini what?

Forget mini skirts for the sunshine, this spring summer is all about the maxi skirt. I love this outfit I found on lookbook and it makes me want a high waisted maxi skirt to team up with all my crop tops! I'm also loving this feather necklace which would go perfectly with some of the crazy patterns coming out of this seasons Aztec trend!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Supermarket Sarah

Supermarket Sarah is an online shop with a twist. Popluar with stars such as Lily Allen, the designers' website features photographs of wall collages featuring different collections from various designers. Sarah started this all in her flat and has since branched out to more public spaces from galleries to shop fronts to bars and restaurants to most recently now featuring with her own space in London's Selfridges. Here customers will be able to look at the wall collages and buy anything in view, similar to the website. The collections at Selfridges will feature designers that Sarah has featured on the website as well as new and upcoming designers as well as some vintage items thrown in there. Visually very exciting and appealing, check out the website here or nip down to Selfridges and have a little see for yourselves!